2015 Windemere Township Ordinance (Current)
The 2015 Windemere Township Ordinance is the Township's most current ordinance, and contains all ordinance amendments and changes made since the ordinance was fully reviewed and updated in 2015. Efforts are currently underway at the direction of the Township Board to update the current ordiance to ensure that it complies with the Pine County Ordinanance, including the Pine County Shoreland Ordinance.
The Windemere Township Board did impose a Moratorium on Certain Commercial Developments within Certain Portions of Windemere Township (shoreland zones) on June 9, 2022, as well as a Moratorium Study Resolution directing the Planning Commission and Zoning Administrator to, among other things, "begin studying the Township's current zoning ordinance and any related official controls and plans to determine whether revisions, amendments, extensions, or any other changes to those ordinances (that) would be necessary or desireable in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare of Windemere Township." Both documents are attached, below.